Shane the Lone Ethnographer

41y447KLldL._SL500_AA240_Shane, The Lone Ethnographer is an accessible and entertaining introduction to ethnography. Campbell Galman walks the reader through the process of doing ethnographic research, via her comic character Shane, the Lone Ethnographer, on the campus of an unnamed university. For the novice researcher about to embark on fieldwork in qualitative research methods, this is an excellent–and the only comic-book–introduction. Her text will delight and inform students who are learning ethnographic methods in anthropology, education, and other social science courses.

“A fun, light-hearted look at doing ethnography, a process often shrouded in mystery for its novice practitioners….Students fairly new to ethnography will undoubtedly appreciate the simplified, frame-by-frame, approach to designing and carrying out research. As such, the comic book would make a lively addition to an undergraduate course in qualitative methods. “— 2008, Journal of Anthropological Research

Brilliant. Refreshing. Funny. And powerfully instructive. Embedded within a clever adventure story, the most important historical roots, theoretical foundations and conceptual issues in ethnography and anthropology are clearly illustrated. Shane has found a firm place on the reading lists in my introductory qualitative research methods and advanced ethnographic research courses”— Donna Dehyle, University of Utah

“Anyone who has conducted ethnographic research or even contemplated it will love this short book. Sally Campbell Galman uses zany drawings, befuddled questions, and dreamy encounters with ancestors to capture the confusion, hilarity and occasional brilliant insight of one’s first ethnographic study. Seasoned researchers as well as beginners with howl as they follow Campbell Galman’s intrepid heroine, Shane, through the ups and downs of this still-elusive practice.” –Margaret Eisenhart, University of Colorado, Boulder.

Available from Alta Mira Press

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