These are a few of my published pieces and a few other goodies. I honestly have a hard time consistently updating things, so a few might be missing. If you want more information, PDF copies of these publications, or my full length CV, please contact me at
Please note that my publications prior to 2023 appear under my previous surname.
“’Every time I felt overwhelmed and underqualified to do this work, Galman broke it down into something accessible. I usually return textbooks, but I’ll be keeping and recommending Galman.’ As usual, the students loved using Shane this semester, and I wanted to share that with you. Thanks for putting such a wonderful resource out into the world” — Qualitative Methods instructor teaching with the second edition of Shane the Lone Ethnographer
Pirie, S. C. (2024). Listen up: Trans girls, trans girlhoods and transgirl joy. In Mazzarella, S. (Ed.). Routledge Companion to Girlhood Studies, pp. 53-67. DOI:
Pirie, S. C. (2024). Troublemakers: Children as unruly activists in an anti-trans US schooling context. Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice.
Pirie, S. C. (2023). Kapow! Comics-based methods as necessary whimsy in educational research. In DeHart, J. & Hash, P. (Eds). Exploring the human story: Arts-based approaches to qualitative inquiry in educational studies, Vol 2. pp. 1-16. Routledge.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2023). Exeunt omnes: The case for bad exits in childhood ethnography. In Delamont, S. (Ed.). Leaving the field. Manchester University Press.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2022). Let us do more than hope: Visual methods in childhood ethnography. In K. Baines & V. Costa (Eds.) Cool Anthropology: How to Engage the Public with Academic Research. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2021). Wedges: Stories as simple machines. Health Promotion Practice.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2021). Yes and. American Anthropologist.
Katz-Wise, S. L., Pirie [as Galman], S. C., Friedman, L. E., & Kidd, K. M. (2021). Parent/caregiver narratives of challenges in raising transgender and/or nonbinary youth. Journal of Family Issues. DOI: 10.1177/0192513X21104448
Pirie [as Galman], S.C. (2022). This is how we win: On unruly hope, autocracy and transgender children. In Kray, C., Linke, U. (Eds.). Race, gender and political culture in the trump era: The fascist allure (pp. 213-231). Taylor & Francis.
Pirie [as Galman], S.C. (2021). Follow the headlights: On comics based data analysis. In Vanover, C., Mihas, P. & Saldaña, J. (Eds.). Analyzing and Interpreting Qualitative Data: After the Interview. London: SAGE.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2020) Anthropological contributions to early childhood education: On culture, context, and the construction of the child. In Graue, M. E. & Gullo, D. (Eds.), Scientific influences on early childhood education: From diverse perspectives to common practices. New York: Routledge.
Pirie [as Galman],S. C. (2021). Boy scales. Anthropology News, 62 (4) 29-31.Galman, S. C. (2021). Hold fast. Qualitative Inquiry.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2021). Nicole’s mother is dead. Ethnography and Education.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2020). Ghostly presences out there: Transgender girls and their families in the time of COVID. Girlhood Studies, 13 (3) 79-97.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2020). Parenting far from the tree: Supportive parents of young transgender and gender nonconforming children in the United States. In B. Ashdown & A. Faherty (Eds.) Parents and caregivers across cultures: Positive development from infancy through adulthood. (pp. 141-155). Berlin: Springer.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2020). Washing knives. Public Anthropologist, 145-157.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2019). Nice work: Young White women, near enemies, and teaching inside the magic circle. In A. Castagno (Ed.), The price of nice: How educators’ allegiance to being nice advances educational inequity. St. Paul: University of Minnesota Press.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2019). #Dangersafetybravery: An incantation [Visual scholarship]. Paperbark, 1 (2) 70-78.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2018). This is Vienna: Parents of transgender children from pride to survival in the aftermath of the 2016 election. In C. Kray, H. Mandell & T. Carroll (Eds.), Nasty women and bad hombres: Historical reflections on the 2016 presidential election (pp. 276-290). Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2018). Shane, the lone ethnographer: A beginner’s guide to ethnographic research (2nd Ed). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C.(2018). Naptime at the OK Corral: A beginner’s guide to the ethnography of childhood. London: Routledge. You can see a full length chapter preview on the author Q&A page:
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2018). The story of Peter Both-in-One: Using visual storytelling methods to understand risk and resilience among transgender and gender-nonconforming young children in rural North American contexts. In A. Mandrona & C. Mitchell (Eds.), Visual encounters in the study of rural childhoods (pp. 161-175). Camden, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2017). Stealth practice: Teachers supporting gender diverse children in the context of right-wing American “zoetrope populism’. In Y. Akbaba & B. Jeffrey (Eds.), The implications of “new populism” for education. London: Wiley Blackwell.
Pirie [as Galman], S. C. (2017). The lion’s mouth opens. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 48 (3), 207-209.
Galman, S. C. (2017). Research in pain. Anthropology News, 14-17.
Galman, S. C. (2016). Lightstruck: On stories, art, and work among the broken pieces. Cultural Anthropology.
Galman, S. C. (2017). Brave is a dress: Understanding ‘good’ adults and ‘bad’ children through adult horror and children’s play. Childhood. doi: 10.1177/0907568217694419
Galman, S. C. & Mallozzi, C. A. (2015). There are no girl pirate captains: Boys, girls and the “boy crisis” in preschool. Boyhood Studies, 8 (1), 33-46.
Galman, S. C. (2015). Mischief-making of one kind/and another: Unruliness and resistance in rural preschoolers’ play. Ethnography and Education 10 (3), 310-324.
Galman, S. C. (2014). Love is bad for you: Parables and practical fictions in the romantic primary classroom. Teacher Education Quarterly 41(4),89-105.
Galman, S. C. & Mallozzi, C. A. (2015). The ballad of the big manly guy: Male and female teachers construct the gendered careworker in U.S. early education contexts. In S. Brownhill, J. Warin, & I. Wernersson, (Eds.). Men, masculinities and teaching in early childhood education: International perspectives on gender and care. London: Routledge.
Mallozzi, C. & Galman, S. C. (2014). Guys and ‘the rest of us’: Tales of gendered aptitude and experience in educational carework. Gender and Education, 26 (3), 262-279.
Galman, S. C.(2013). Un/Covering: Female religious converts learning the problems and pragmatics of physical observance in the secular world. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 44 (4), 423-441.
Galman, S. C. (2013). The good, the bad and the data: A beginner’s guide to qualitative data analysis. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Galman, S. C. & Mallozzi, C. A. (2012). She’s not there: Women and gender in U.S. research on the elementary school teacher, 1995-present. Review of Educational Research. (Online First Edition). DOI: 10.3102/0034654312453343
Mallozzi, C. & Galman, S. C.(2012). Gender doesn’t matter: Why women and gender are ignored in research on elementary level teachers and what it’s ultimately going to cost us. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas [Education, Society & Cultures], 35 (4), 253-270.
Galman, S. C. (2012). Cinderella goes to the purity ball: An open letter on feminism and girl culture, written to my female undergraduate students. Networking Knowledge, 5 (1), 5-22.
Galman, S. C. (2012). Wise and foolish virgins: White women at work in the feminized world of primary school teaching. Lanham, MD: Lexington Press/Rowman & Littlefield.
Galman, S. C., Pica-Smith, C. & Rosenberger, C. (2010). Aggressive and tender navigations: Teacher educators confront whiteness in their practice. Journal of Teacher Education,61 (3), 225-236.
Galman, S. C. (2009). Doth the lady protest too much? Pre-service teachers, identity and the experience of dissonance as a catalyst for development. Teaching and Teacher Education,25 (3), 468-481.
Galman, S. C. (2009). Trading in fables: Literary and artistic methods in self-study research. In Lassonde, C. A., Galman, S. A. C. & Kosnik, C. (Eds.). Self-Study Research Methodologies for Teacher Educators. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Galman, S. C. (2009). The truthful messenger: Visual methods and representation in qualitative research in education. Qualitative Research, 9 (2).
Galman, S. C.(2007). The life you save may be your own: White, female pre-service teachers imagine the marginalized student. Journal of Border Educational Research,6 (2), 7-18.
Galman, S. C. (2007). Shane, the lone ethnographer: A beginner’s guide to ethnographic research. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press.
Galman, S. C. (2007). Rain and snow, bless the lord: An ethnographic study of Quaker theology as teacher education practice. Journal of Religion and Education, 34(3).
*All publications prior to 2023 appear under the surname Galman. But they are me! 🙂
I’d love to see & buy a collection of your cartoons & the wise words you have shared with them.
Hi Lea! I do sell my work and would be happy to arrange a selection of works in whatever format you would like! Please contact me at Thank you! And sorry for the LATE reply! I blame COVID!