Month: October 2014

Workshop for early/elementary educators at GLSEN this Saturday, 1st November, 2014

Workshop for early/elementary educators at GLSEN this Saturday, 1st November, 2014

GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network of Massachusetts, is having their annual, one-day fall conference this coming Saturday. There is a fantastic lineup for youth, teachers, parents, administrators and others. My workshop is in the afternoon (so, you have no excuse, sleepy heads!) 

Lecture Event: Preschoolers know more than you think about power, gender and the imagination

Lecture Event: Preschoolers know more than you think about power, gender and the imagination

Come one, come all, to hear me present brand new, hot-off-the-presses, research at this free, public lecture event at Assumption College. Tuesday, 4th November @ 6:30 PM We’ll have a good time, ask lots of questions and (hopefully) explore why being “brave” in preschool may be more