Call for proposals for new AEQ Editorial Team

Call for proposals for new AEQ Editorial Team

Anthropology and Education Quarterly
Call for a new editor or editorial team

The Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE) calls for proposals to provide editorial stewardship for its journal, Anthropology and Education Quarterly (AEQ) for a three-year term to begin on January 1, 2020 and conclude on December 31, 2022. AEQ is a peer-reviewed journal that draws on anthropological theories and methods to examine educational processes in and out of schools, in US and international contexts. Articles rely primarily on ethnographic research to address immediate problems of practice as well as broad theoretical questions. The fundamental responsibility of the new editor(s) will be to expertly guide the solicitation, peer review, selection, and publication of articles and special issues. The editor(s) will be expected to safeguard collegiality in the field and promote authors’ intellectual development and career progress by providing timely and constructive reviews, publication decisions and publication of accepted manuscripts. Responsibilities will also include promoting the journal, the field, and researchers by providing presentations, workshops and materials to potential authors at the American Anthropological Association meetings and other relevant professional meetings.

Proposal Considerations
A successful proposal will articulate: a clear vision for journal stewardship; highly qualified leadership grounded in educational anthropology; a plan for the timely processing, review, and publication of high quality manuscripts grounded in educational anthropology; an infrastructure that includes institutional support (e.g. physical space, finances, dedicated graduate assistants or other staffing); and special features such as a plan for mentorship of junior authors or graduate student reviewers and staff, outreach at conferences, or dynamic use of social media. Proposals will be assessed according to vision, organizational structure and financial infrastructure.
AEQ is a well-established journal, the flagship for Council on Anthropology and
Education, and the flagship for the educational anthropology generally. What will be the signature elements of you or your team’s journal stewardship? WIll there be a special emphasis on developing any specific aspect of journal content (e.g. field reflections, academic articles, book reviews, special issues) in any specific direction? What will be you or your team’s approach to promoting collegiality in the review process, mentorship of junior authors or enhancing the standing of the journal among educational researchers?
Organizational Structure:
Who will be on the team? What roles and responsibilities will be covered and by whom? What are the intellectual leaders’ and participants’ primary disciplinary inclinations? Beyond an editor (or editors) and a managing editor, roles may include but are not limited to associate editors, special issue editors, graduate assistants, or an active board of reviewers. CVs of key personnel should be appended to the proposal.
Financial Infrastructure:
Provide an annual budget, expectation of support from the Council on Anthropology and Education and a brief, clear budget narrative that includes a statement of direct and in-kind institutional support. Letters of institutional support should be appended to the proposal.

Contacts and Deadline

Potential applicants should contact CAE incoming President Peter Demerath ( with queries regarding the budget, the publication process in the context of our parent organization and publisher, or other aspects of AEQ’s operations.

Send proposals as a single PDF document to CAE Treasurer Eric Johnson ( and CAE incoming President Peter Demerath ( The proposal deadline is April 1, 2019.

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