Have you always dreamed of guest editing a special issue of Pedagogy, Culture & Society?
Well, now is your chance!
Call for Proposals
The editors of Pedagogy, Culture & Society invite colleagues in the field to submit proposals for Special Issues on themes of interest to scholars and researchers within the areas of the journal’s aims and scope. Typically, Special Issues consist of around 10 papers on a particular theme. Contributions should be accessible to an international audience. Initial proposals will be reviewed by the Editorial Collective in October and March of each year. Please review the requirements for this submission and submit the proposals via email to the journal’s special issue editors: Dr. Vina Adriany, vina@upi.edu and Dr. Sally Pirie, sallyann@umass.edu.
For consideration for the October reading period, please submit your initial proposal by October 10, 2023.
For consideration for the March reading period, please submit your initial proposal by March 10, 2024.
We have identified the following themes as areas in which we would particularly welcome contributions. These are listed below. However, we would also welcome other proposals, and all will be considered.
- The politics of children and childhood
- Critical explorations of gender
- Issues around the mainstreaming of “datafication” and standardization in schooling
- Decolonising pedagogies and curricula
- Strengthening democratic values, global citizenship, and democracy in post-war/post-trauma societies
- Education for sustainability and climate change/environmental justice
Additionally, PCS is always committed to promoting and exploring critical perspectives on pedagogy, culture and society. We particularly value work that centers and values diversity, including but not limited to linguistic, racial/ethnic and gender diversity, as well as explorations of inclusivity and disability.
Each Special Issue is produced by one or more Guest Editor(s), who are responsible for liaising with contributing authors and overseeing the peer- review process.
The Special Issue process involves three stages:
Initial Proposal
The proposed Guest Editor(s) provide an outline proposal (maximum of two A4 pages) which describes the focus and rationale for the Special Issue and the proposed contributors. This will be reviewed by members of the Editorial Collective who will decide whether the proposal meets the journal’s aims and scope. If it is so decided, the Special Issue Guest Editor(s) will be requested to submit a full proposal.
Full Proposal
The Guest Editor(s) submit a full proposal which will include:
- an overview (one page A4 maximum) from the Guest Editor(s) of the aims, content, and expected audience for the proposed issue, with an explanation of the distinctive contribution it is expected to make to educational research.
- A biographical statement for the Guest Editor(s), linking them to the field of study
- A sample of the call for papers you will circulate to generate submissions. Will you also be including a book review or similar?
- A general timeline, including an estimate of when the complete first draft will be available
This proposal will be evaluated by the journal Editorial Collective, along with other suitable referees as is seen fit. The questions we will use to evaluate submissions are:
- Is the proposed topic of interest and relevance to an identifiable and substantial audience interested in Pedagogy, Culture & Society?
- Does the proposed issue address gaps in the literature?
- Is this a fresh topic for the readership? Has the proposed topic been covered recently by Pedagogy, Culture & Society?
- Does treatment of the topic demonstrate an awareness of recent developments in the relevant field?
- Is the proposed topic/theme well-conceived and significant?
- Is the proposal clearly and logically constructed?
- Does the Guest Editor(s) inspire confidence to complete the task?
We are particularly interested in proposals and which plan to have introductions and/or commentaries, either by the Guest Editor(s) or by independent discussants appointed or proposed by the Guest Editor(s). If a proposal is evaluated positively, a formal timeline is agreed for development of the full draft and Special Issue Guest Editor(s) will liaise with a nominated member of the journal’s Editorial Collective.
Peer Review and Final Submission
All articles will be subject to the journal’s standard process of anonymous review by two referees. Where the Special Issue involves an introductory and/or concluding article, these should also be subject to peer-review. The review process will be organised by the Guest Editor(s). On receipt of referee reports, the Guest Editor(s) will liaise with their contributors and, when the reviewers’ feedback has been responded to, they will submit the final Special Issue Manuscripts.
We encourage creativity and welcome diverse formats and interpretations of what a special issue might be. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the special issue editors. We look forward to reviewing your proposals.