I wasn’t sure what to call this page. “Merch” is cooler but I settled on “Store” because “Merch” actually sounds like a form of aggressive marine life, as in “Watch out! The merch are really biting today!”

Anyways, lots of people have asked how they can own their very own copy of The Name Game and some of my other titles. The good news is that you can just write to me and I will send it to you as a hard copy, in the mail, wrapped up in pretty paper and signed with a cute inscription just for you. Book art is meant to be shared. That’s why I make it. Also you can impress your friends by giving my work as a glorious gift. All gift books come with a tiny bag of miniature gummy bears.

All you need to do is fill out this form and you get a book. Easy! You can look at what is on offer below. If you are interested in purchasing individual prints, you can reach out to me at sallyannpirie – at – gmail.com

The Name Game

The original manifesto. 47 pages full color $30

How To Be Good

A sweet little manual for a good life. 22 pages black and white $25

A Field Guide To The Twats Of New England

Literally the funniest thing I have ever written. 28 pages full color $25

The Friend

A short story anyone who has contemplated choosing the bear. Printed full color version of the original art book, 18 pages of text and my original relief prints $30. Inquire to purchase one of the 25 limited edition relief printed letterpress art book versions.